Drilled bar stock thermowell

Our thermowells are machined and drilled from solid bar stock. This results in a non-welded unit. High accuracy machines are used to ensure concentricity of the bore with respect to the outside diameter and a consistent wall thickness over the full length of the thermowell. Our bar stock thermowells with straight stem have been designed for various fluids and pressure applications. Metric and fractional connections.
These temperature sensors are designed for temperature measurement in harsh, high temperature and abrasive environments. The materials we use have excellent chemical resistance properties, high abrasive and thermal shock resistance, very low permeability and a high mechanical.
Technical specifications
- Tolerances : all dimensions +/- 1 mm except B : +/- 0.15 mm
- Standard finish 1.6<Ra <3.2 μ
- Vent hole D 3 mm
- T standard 57 mm. Other lengths on request
- Material : wide range of materials available as per DIN 10088 /AISI-ASTM and many others
Code Certificates
- Q701MC Material certificate En10204-3.1
- Q625ND External pressure test report (liquid)
- Q610ND Internal pressure test report (liquid)
- Q665NT PMI testing after construction by third party
- Q820CC Test report EN10204-2.2
- Q120ED Wake frequency calculation on process condition